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The Utah Education Association urges Governor Cox to veto HB 267 Sub 1, arguing that it unfairly restricts public sector labor negotiations, imposes burdensome reporting requirements, and specifically targets UEA, ultimately silencing educators' collective voice.
The Utah Education Association (UEA) and labor partners across the state have shown the power of collective action, successfully pressuring lawmakers to make changes to HB 267.
Teachers, parents, Republicans, Democrats, and communities across Utah are voting against Constitutional Amendment A to protect public education in Utah.
"If you oppose vouchers and public money going to private education providers without oversight by the Board, then you must oppose this further constitutional change."
The amendment aims to open the state income tax fund currently dedicated to education, children, and individuals with disabilities to fund “other state needs” as defined by the legislature.
HB 29 Sensitive Materials Review Amendments allow as few as one parent in each of three school districts to challenge a book and, if the book is removed in all three districts, automatically triggers a statewide ban of the book.
UEA President Renée Pinkney spoke to the Utah School Board of Education to ensure educational equity, transparency, and open discourse continue to shape the future of public education in Utah.