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From Our President

President Pinkney Urges USBE to Oppose Constitutional Amendment

"If you oppose vouchers and public money going to private education providers without oversight by the Board, then you must oppose this further constitutional change."
Utah Capitol Building on sunny day with yellow flowers.
Published: June 6, 2024

The following was said by UEA President Renée Pinkney during the Utah State Board of Education meeting on June 6, 2024. 

"Good morning, Chair Moss, Vice Chair Earl, Vice Chair Hart, and State School Board members. I am Renée Pinkney, a 29-year veteran social studies teacher serving as the UEA President.

In the 2023 legislative session, the State Board voted to oppose HB 215, the Utah Fits All voucher program. You’re well aware of the problems with voucher schemes and their negative impacts on public schools. Beyond the problems with the structure of the voucher program itself is the source of the revenue to fund the program. The Legislature could have used General Fund monies to pay for private school vouchers. Instead, they used Income Tax monies, the revenue source dedicated to funding public education.

During the 2020 election, Utah voters approved Amendment G, which provides that income tax revenues may also be used “to support children and to support individuals with a disability.” Just a few years later, we see $82.5 million from income tax used for vouchers—money that should have been used to increase investment in our public schools, not to force public schools to compete with private schools for funding.

The proposed constitutional change on the ballot this November further erodes the protection of income tax revenue dedicated to public education by allowing income tax to be used for “other state needs.” This is the issue formerly known as SJR10.

If you oppose vouchers and public money going to private education providers without oversight by the Board, then you must oppose this further constitutional change. If you want to see Utah’s public schools fully funded, with the professional educators, staff, resources, and programs our public education students deserve, then you must oppose the constitutional change. Please consider rescinding your support position for SJR 10."


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