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UniServ/Local Affiliate

Find your Local Association President, UniServ Director and more.

UniServ Offices

The cornerstone of the UEA’s member representation system is the UniServ (Unified Services) program — a statewide staffing network that provides professional consultants to serve members in each of 11 geographic locations. Fifteen UniServ directors offer on-site services, including bargaining and contract enforcement, grievance representation, school and teacher advocacy, political action and communications assistance.

UniServ directors represent members at school district meetings and before boards of education. They also provide valuable guidance on professional development issues.

Local Affiliates

The Utah Education Association has local affiliates in each of the state’s 41 school districts, Applied Technology Colleges, and the Utah Schools for the Deaf and the Blind.

Local Presidents Directory

UniServ Director Directory

Utah Education Association logo

Keeping the Promise of Quality Public Education

With more than 18,000 members across the state, UEA supports equal opportunities for success for ALL Utah students, and respect and support for all educators.