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Group of UEA Members smiling.

Protect Your Union Membership Switch to AutoPay today!

Anti-education politicians are considering a new bill to weaken our union by mandating educators switch from automatic payroll deduction to maintain union membership. Luckily, switching to Autopay is an easy and quick one-time process.

Protect Your Union Membership

Our union membership gives us a collective voice to advocate for the things that matter to us like our students and schools. 

Together, we have won changes across Utah that improve our daily lives, from pay raises to protected planning time. 

However, not everyone wants us to succeed. Anti-public education politicians in Utah see our union as a threat to their corporate donors, pet projects and political future. During the 2025 legislative session, they plan to weaken our voices by eliminating our ability to pay our dues through automatic payroll deductions.

Due to proposed legislation, if you do not switch your dues payments from automatic payroll deductions, your union membership may be canceled. 

Protect your membership because it protects you.

Sign Up for AutoPay

Switching to AutoPay is: Easy, Quick, and a One-Time Change. 

Autopay is a convenient way to pay dues through automatic deductions from a checking or savings account, credit card, or personal/bank check. AutoPay is done through a secure bank site, keeping your financial information private and safe. 

It’s a simple switch that only takes a few minutes. Your annual dues amount stays the same; just the method of payment changes. Sign up once and you’re done!

UEA President Renée Pinkney
Signing up for AutoPay is easy and essential for every UEA member. We cannot allow anti-public education politicians to weaken our collective voice and our power to change the lives of students.
Quote by: Renée Pinkney, UEA President

Make sure anti-public education politicians can’t take away your union membership.

Here’s what you’ll need to switch to Autopay:  

  • Make sure you have your bank information ready, including the routing number.  
  • You'll also need your Member ID and zip code. Your membership number is on the back of your NEAToday magazine, or you can reach out to [email protected] or 801-266-4461.

Helpful Tips:  

  • Make sure you use the back button on the portal instead of on your browser. 
  • When entering your home email, make sure to clear the word 'required.'

Sign Up for AutoPay

Thank you for taking action to protect your union membership and ensure that we can continue to advocate for our future for years to come. 

Need help or have questions about the switch to AutoPay? We're happy to chat! Contact us at [email protected] or 801-266-4461.

Group of women in blue shirts smiling.

Our Union, Our Voice

Protect your union membership and ensure that we can continue to advocate for our future for years to come.

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Keeping the Promise of Quality Public Education

With more than 18,000 members across the state, UEA supports equal opportunities for success for ALL Utah students, and respect and support for all educators.