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Top 10 Reasons to Join the UEA

Belong to the movement of educators and school staff fighting for the pay and working conditions we all deserve.
"Top 10 Reasons to Belong to UEA " in grey, red and green colors.

Top 10

  1. Your Voice - Educators must actively promote and protect public education because no one cares as much about our students, profession, and needs as much as we do. We speak as a unified voice to influence reform and progress.
  2. Advocacy and Representation - We are a highly respected organization that promotes the highest standards and ethics. We recognize that educators’ working conditions are students’ learning conditions—we work hard to protect both.
  3. Professional Development - Members have access to a wide variety of professional development training opportunities, including classroom management, Praxis preparation, advocacy, collective bargaining, classroom discipline, political action, human and civil rights, the opportunity to earn licensure points, and more.
  4. Social and Racial Justice - We join together across races and places to ensure every student has the opportunities they need to succeed. Find out your rights in the classroom when teaching a full picture of our nation’s history.
  5. Legal Services for Your Professional Life - With assistance from state and local field staff, our association provides comprehensive legal services for a wide range of due process issues and other legal rights. Additionally, UEA members benefit from Educator Liability Insurance through the NEA.
  6. Salary and Working Conditions - With more members like you, the UEA has an even stronger voice to impact meaningful change for educators and students. We advocate for dedicated planning time and protect educators from after-hours work mandates. We band together to raise wages so educators like us are paid closer to what we deserve.
  7. Your Classroom, the State and the Nation - The Association continually promotes quality public schools, quality teachers, modern and up-to-date learning tools, and smaller class sizes so educators can spend one-on-one time with students.
  8. Member Discounts- Members receive discounts on special services like auto, homeowners, renters, and life insurance. We also provide reductions for entertainment events, computers, books, magazines, travel, and restaurants in Utah and across the nation. Many UEA members save more than their annual dues by using Association discounts.
  9. Networking - Members have numerous opportunities to get together and network. You can connect with other education professionals from across the state to collaborate on student success.
  10. Creating Change - We reach the public with members’ views and build the image of public school employees through media relations, television and radio advertising, special events, and public relations activities.

Keeping the Promise of Quality Public Education

With more than 18,000 members across the state, UEA supports equal opportunities for success for ALL Utah students, and respect and support for all educators.