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NEA Advice

What Makes STEM Products Effective?

A look at the transformative tools that made the list of the Educators Pick Best of STEM® awards for 2024.
High school student and scientist examine petri dishes while wearing labcoats, gloves, and googles Photo courtesy of BioTechBuilder
Published: October 6, 2024
This resource originally appeared on

More than ever, STEM teaching requires innovation, problem-solving, and cross-curricular connections to prepare students to thrive in a complex, interconnected world. Research supports this approach. 

Modern STEM teaching requires: 

  1. Interdisciplinary Connections 
  2. Ambitious Instructional Practices 
  3. Real-World Problem Solving 

These three factors were also foundational to the products and services recognized as winners of The Educators Pick Best of STEM® awards for 2024 because educators understand that the best learning tools align with how students think and learn.  

Let’s explore what makes these tools transformative. 

1. Interdisciplinary Connections 

Best of STEM logo 2024

Research shows that students gain a deeper understanding of STEM concepts when connecting ideas across different subjects, integrating science, technology, engineering, and mathematics into cohesive learning experiences.  

One standout product is ClassVR from Avantis, which brings virtual reality into the classroom to create immersive learning experiences that bridge multiple disciplines. By allowing students to explore scientific phenomena, historical events, and even complex mathematical concepts in a virtual environment, ClassVR fosters a holistic understanding of how these subjects intersect in the real world. One educator judge remarked, “ClassVR’s ability to integrate multiple STEM disciplines into a single, immersive experience is a game-changer for student engagement and understanding.” 

Sphero BOLT+ also exemplifies interdisciplinary connections by combining robotics, coding, and physics in a hands-on, interactive format. Students use the Sphero robot to explore principles of motion, coding, and problem-solving, encouraging them to see the connections between different STEM fields. As one educator judge put it, “Sphero BOLT+ makes it possible for students to connect the dots between coding, engineering, and physics in a fun and meaningful way.” 

Other notable winners that incorporate interdisciplinary connections include: 

  • BioTechBuilder (BioBuilder Educational Foundation)—CTE Champion: STEM 
  • Carolina Lab Skills (Carolina Biological Supply Company)—Best Freebies for STEM, exemplary resource for new teachers 
  • CloudLabs Learning (CloudLabs)—Best of STEM for Biology: Digital Labs 
  • iCEV—CTE Champions: Comprehensive Curriculum 
  • Makey Makey Expanded Platform (Makey Makey LLC)—Best of STEM: Hands-on Learning: Grades 6-8 
  • Realityworks® Curriculum—CTE Champion: STEM: Plant Science 
  • LEGO® Education—Best of STEM: Hands-on Learning 
  • STEM Sports—Best of STEM for Culturally Relevant Teaching & Learning 
  • and The Princeton Review—Bridging the Gap: Math Intervention Resources 

2. Ambitious Instructional Practices 

Research supports project-based learning (PBL), problem-solving tasks, and interactive approaches to engage students, foster critical thinking, develop creativity, and encourage collaboration.  

CodeMonkey is a prime example of a product that employs ambitious instructional practices. By teaching coding through game-based learning, CodeMonkey engages students in complex problem-solving tasks that are both challenging and rewarding. “CodeMonkey’s approach to teaching coding through interactive games is not only innovative, it is also highly effective in keeping students motivated and engaged,” one educator noted. 

A World In Motion® (AWIM®) Preschool Exploration Series exemplifies ambitious instructional practices for younger learners, helping them create cognitive connections in STEM. With AWIM, preschoolers engage in hands-on STEM activities that promote critical thinking and creativity. By introducing these practices early on, AWIM® helps build a strong foundation for future STEM learning. An educator judge noted, “AWIM’s play-based learning approach is perfect for fostering creativity and problem-solving skills in early learners.”  

Other notables include: 

  • Kide Science powered by Accelerate Learning (Accelerate Learning Inc.)—Best of STEM Hands-on Curricular Materials: Preschool 
  • BioBrain - Biology (AP & IB) (BioBrain)—Best of STEM for Biology 
  • JASON Learning—Best of STEM for Environmental Science 
  • Killer Snails—Trailblazer: Middle School STEM—Grades 4-8 
  • MIND Education—Bridging the Gap: Math Intervention Resources 
  • Sphero, Inc.—Best of STEM: Robotics 
  • Drone Legends—Best of STEAM Curricular Materials: Pre-K to Grade 12 

3. Real-World Problem Solving 

When students apply STEM concepts to challenges they might encounter in their everyday lives or future careers, they develop practical skills and a stronger interest in these fields.  

WaterWays, a product focused on environmental education, teaches students about water conservation through interactive simulations. By addressing a critical global issue, WaterWays not only educates students about the importance of water conservation, it also empowers them to think critically about how they can contribute to solving problems their generation will face. As one educator observed, “WaterWays’ focus on real-world environmental issues makes it an invaluable tool for teaching students about the impact of their actions on the planet.” 

BioTechBuilder also exemplifies real-world problem-solving by allowing students to conduct hands-on science experiments that mimic real biotechnological processes. This product enables students to explore the applications of biotechnology in solving contemporary challenges, from healthcare to agriculture. A judge noted, “BioTechBuilder provides students with an opportunity to engage in authentic scientific research, preparing them for future careers in biotechnology.” 

Other winners who focus on real-world learning include: 

  • CodeHS—CTE Champions: IT & Coding: Code Creation & Engineering 
  • CoderZ—CTE Champions: IT & Coding: Real-World Learning 
  • ExploreLearning Gizmos®—Trailblazer: Simulations for STEM 
  • ExploreLearning Reflex®—Bridging the Gap: Math Intervention Resources 
  • Carolina Biological Supply Company—How Do Polygenic Risk Scores Stack Up? (Kit) - Best Resources for Analyzing and Interpreting Biological Data 
  • JASON Learning—CTE Champion: STEM: Career Exploration 
  • Learning Undefeated—Social Impact Award: Promoting Diversity & Equity in STEM 
  • iCEV—CTE Champions: Health Science 

The 2024 educator judges included lead judge Annie Galvin Teich, Dr. Omah Duncan, Dr. Jeffrey Crapper, Dr. Linda Johnson-McClinton, Dr. Rachelle Dené Poth, Jamaica Craig, Lance Brand, and Erin Renee Barr. 

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