Why Join?
The UEA is Utah's largest employee association, advocating for more than 18,000 members. This diverse group includes active classroom teachers, retired educators, administrators, licensed educational support personnel, and campus student organizations.
Active Educator Membership
(Full or Part-Time)
This includes educators who possess a bachelor's degree or higher from an institution of higher education, hold the appropriate teaching license, and are employed full—or part-time in a Utah public school.
It also includes those pursuing a non-traditional teaching license or teaching in “technical trades” in secondary or post-secondary institutions.
You can enroll as an active member now by completing the online sign-up at NEA360 or completing a paper application at your local UniServ. Membership dues vary by local. Contact your UniServ director, local president, or building leader for a membership summary.
Aspiring Educators Membership
Aspiring educator membership is available to students enrolled in teacher preparation courses in a Utah-accredited public or private college or university and who do not have a teaching contract.
Reserve Membership
Reserve Membership is available to former members of the Association who no longer qualify for Active membership: those on Leave of Absence, educators serving as a teaching intern on a partial salary, graduate students with a teaching certificate, or others not otherwise qualified for membership.
For more information, please contact the state membership office at 801-266-4461.