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UEA Ballot Box

Elections have consequences. That's why we must vote for pro-public education candidates this November!
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Office District Number Recommended Candidate Notes
Representative HD 24 Joel Briscoe
Representative HD 22 Jennifer Dailey-Provost
Representative HD 23 Jeff Howell dual recommendation
Representative HD 23 Hoang Ngyuen dual recommendation
Representative HD 45 Tracy Miller dual recommendation
Representative HD 45 Rich Cunningham dual recommendation
Representative HD 39 Lisa Dean
Representative HD 16 Daniela Harding
Representative HD 19 Ray Ward
Representative HD 61 Travis Hoban
Representative HD 2 Mike Monson
Representative HD 10 Rosemary Lesser
Representative HD 69 Logan Monson Primary recommendation
Representative HD 49 Sam Winkler
Representative HD 44 Greg Green
Senator SD 3 Stacy Bernal
Senator SD 22 Emily Lockhart
State School Board USBE 3 Brent Strate
State School Board USBE 9 Amanda Bollinger
State School Board USBE 15 Kristan Nortan
State School Board USBE 7 Molly Hart Primary recommendation
State School Board USBE 13 Randy Boothe

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Keeping the Promise of Quality Public Education

With more than 18,000 members across the state, UEA supports equal opportunities for success for ALL Utah students, and respect and support for all educators.