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UEA News

UEA Expresses Disappointment in 42 Representatives Who Passed HB 267

The House of Representatives voted in favor of the highly opposed bill 42-32 on Monday, Jan. 27.
Mike Schultz on floor.
Published: January 27, 2025

The Utah Education Association (UEA) is deeply disappointed by the Utah House of Representatives’ decision to pass HB 267 despite overwhelming public opposition. Public educators, union members, and our supporters voiced their concerns through thousands of emails. Our petition, which opposes this harmful legislation, has gathered 13,000 signatures in one week. However, 42 anti-public education politicians ignored these voices in favor of consolidating power and attacking public unions.

Rep. Troy Shelley (R-Ephraim) made the intention behind this bill crystal clear when he testified that “what a union does is create an avenue to circumvent our elected officials.” This statement exposes the true nature of HB 267: a blatant power grab aimed at dismantling public unions and silencing the collective voice of educators who advocate tirelessly for Utah’s students and public schools.

We also want to thank the 32 representatives who listened to their constituents and voted no on HB 267. Their courage and commitment to protecting the rights of public educators and the future of Utah’s students do not go unnoticed.

We believe HB 267 represents a dangerous precedent that undermines the principles of democracy and the rights of public employees to organize and advocate for their professions. It is an attack on public educators who dedicate their lives to teaching Utah’s children, ultimately threatening the quality of public education across the state.

The UEA remains steadfast in our commitment to standing up for public educators and fighting against efforts to weaken public schools. Our members will continue to advocate for the resources, respect, and autonomy necessary to deliver the high-quality public education every Utah student deserves.

UEA members walking in front of the Utah state capitol building to advocate for educators an students on a sunny day.

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Keeping the Promise of Quality Public Education

With more than 18,000 members across the state, UEA supports equal opportunities for success for ALL Utah students, and respect and support for all educators.