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UniServ/Local Affiliate

Find your Local Association President, UniServ Director and more.

UniServ Offices

The cornerstone of the UEA’s member representation system is the UniServ (Unified Services) program — a statewide staffing network that provides professional consultants to serve members in each of 11 geographic locations. Fifteen UniServ directors offer on-site services, including bargaining and contract enforcement, grievance representation, school and teacher advocacy, political action and communications assistance.

UniServ directors represent members at school district meetings and before boards of education. They also provide valuable guidance on professional development issues.

Local Affiliates

The Utah Education Association has local affiliates in each of the state’s 41 school districts, Applied Technology Colleges, and the Utah Schools for the Deaf and the Blind.

Local Presidents Directory

UniServ Local Local President Email
Alpine Alpine Michael Gowans [email protected]
Color Country Beaver Melissa Rose [email protected]
Color Country Garfield Marcy Certonio [email protected]
Color Country Iron Robyn Brown [email protected], [email protected]
Color Country Kane Merilee Terry [email protected]
Color Country Piute Stacie Gass [email protected]
Color Country Washington Reece Jacobsen [email protected]
Davis Davis Denise Willmore [email protected]
Eastern Utah Daggett Guy Gondor [email protected]
Eastern Utah Duchesne Shelby Thayne [email protected]
Eastern Utah Morgan Co-President Brittany Budd [email protected]
Eastern Utah Morgan Co-President Heidi Jackson [email protected]
Eastern Utah No. Summit Sara Sargent [email protected]
Eastern Utah Park City Shannon Hase [email protected]
Eastern Utah So. Summit Rebecca Jensen [email protected]
Eastern Utah Uintah Kimberly Hawks [email protected]
Eastern Utah USDB Jane Walker [email protected]
Eastern Utah Wasatch Machele Smith machele [email protected]
Granite Granite Michele M. Jones [email protected]
High Desert Grand Lindsay Dowd [email protected]
High Desert Juab Jakoye Smith [email protected]
High Desert Millard Jody Lawhorn [email protected]
High Desert No. Sanpete Co-President Chemayne Romero [email protected]
High Desert No. Sanpete Co-President Cindy Johansen [email protected]
High Desert San Juan Amy Lyman [email protected]
High Desert Sevier Kelly Peterson [email protected]
High Desert South Sanpete Andrea Henrie [email protected]
High Desert Tintic Elinda Nedreberg [email protected], [email protected]
High Desert Wayne Ashlee Jackson [email protected]
Jordan Canyons Canyons Krista Pippen [email protected]
Jordan Canyons Jordan Janet Sanders [email protected]
Northern Utah Box Elder Joette Craig [email protected]
Northern Utah Cache Cinda Allen [email protected]
Northern Utah Logan Jen Green [email protected]
Northern Utah Rich Joshua Sulser [email protected]
Ogden-Weber Ogden Kim Beger [email protected]
Ogden-Weber Weber Jenny Graviet [email protected]
UEA-Retired UEA-Retired Thomas Nedreberg [email protected]
Wasatch Murray Christy Vuyk [email protected]
Wasatch Salt Lake Michael Harman [email protected]
Wasatch Tooele Becca Halls [email protected]; [email protected]
Woodland Peaks Carbon Heather Baker [email protected]
Woodland Peaks Nebo Darwin Demming [email protected]
Woodland Peaks Provo Christy Giblon [email protected]

UniServ Director Directory

UniServ UniServ Director UniServ Director Email Phone Number
Alpine Glenda Anderson [email protected] 801-224-2055, ext. 5
Alpine Tom Stauss [email protected] 801-224-2055, ext. 3
Color Coutnry Tina McMullin [email protected] 435-421-1343
Davis Tim Bell [email protected] 801-451-2277
Eastern Utah Cindy Formeller [email protected] 385-481-2026
Jordan Canyons Kristi Critchlow [email protected] 801-262-2449
Jordan Canyons Valerie Morton [email protected] 801-266-2449
Granite Jessica Dunn [email protected] 801-266-4411
Granite Barbara Antonetti [email protected] 801-266-4411
High Desert Lena Macnab [email protected] 541-980-8251
Northern Utah Curtis Benjamin [email protected] 435-753-3875
Ogden-Weber Barb Whitman [email protected] 801-564-7359
Wasatch James Lewis [email protected] 801-262-6627
Woodland Peaks Mark Halls [email protected] 801-376-2990
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Keeping the Promise of Quality Public Education

With more than 18,000 members across the state, UEA supports equal opportunities for success for ALL Utah students, and respect and support for all educators.